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COP21 Paris: Delegation from the University of Toronto


November 20 - December 11th, 2015


The COP negotiations foster an atmosphere for globally-focused negotiations on climate change. The University of Toronto will be sending a delegation of students to the 2015 negotiations in Paris (COP21).

The University of Toronto Department of Political Science and School of Environment will be collaborating on this initiative in order to keep Canadians focused and engaged in these vital negotiations at home. Climate Impact Network will have some members participate in the planning process.

Stay tuned for more updates on this initiative.

Abroad Sustainability Trip: Summer 2016


The CIN team is also organizing an educational sustainability leadership excursion and summit in July or August of summer 2016 as part of the Students on Canadian Campuses for Sustainability network (


We will be deciding a location and posting the costs of the trip on this page as the time approaches.


We are looking for more campus organization leaders to join the network. Sign up today if you are an organization leader or email CIN at to find out more about how to create your own club.


The team will be selected according to a detailed list of selection criteria and qualifications.

Federal Pre-Election Town Hall on Climate Change


The federal election will take place in October of 2015. As the date approaches, it is necessary for young adults to speak up and change Canada’s attitude toward climate change mitigation that has put the futures of its youth at risk.


Climate Impact Network partnered with non-profit organizations and educational institutions across Canada to deliver the voices of its people to Canada’s government this past March 2nd, 2015 at the University of Toronto St. George campus.


With the support of over 38 nonprofit co-hosts of the town hall across Canada and with Dalhousie and UBC skyping into the town hall, the town hall featured representatives from the NDP, Green, and Liberal parties of Canada.


As a follow up to the town hall, CIN is requesting a leaders' debate on climate change to be hosted by a major Canadian media station in the coming months.



Step Up, Canada! - International campaign to secure climate awareness and bring Canada back on track to achieving a sustainable future


The Step Up, Canada! is a campaign created by People's Climate Movement (PCM) and The campaign strives to bring the issue of our climate to the minds of each and every Canadian, while also reminding the Canadian government of their responsibility to the future of Canadians.


There will be numerous events hosted throughout the year as part of the Step Up, Canada! campaign, including:


- interactive events on Earth Day

- marches, rallies around the Pan Am Games and

- Youth Action Week in September of 2015, to increase youth turnout in the federal elections


To find out more about the campaign and to get involved, visit: today!


And stay tuned for more information here!



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